I have started this year adding the opposition players when importing from Play Cricket (UK) via the add new link. Whilst this has improved the scorecard look, it is now adding some of these players to the reports even if I filter by club. Am I missing something? I want the scorcards to look good but dont want opposition in the reports. please help.
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I think I found the source of your problems. Check out the list of teams for Saxton CC:
You have 3 teams there that (I assume) are opposition teams, but they are linked to your club.
If this is indeed the issue, then the solution is an easy one - edit these opposition teams and change their Club to something other than Saxton CC (ideally, link them to their own clubs).
This will remove their players from your club stats.
If I am misunderstanding the issue then let me know with a link to a specific report and I can offer further help.