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Getting Started

Cricket Statz provides entire cricket leagues through to single teams with an online system to manage match results, stats, live scoring and player records.  It is easy, intuitive and works on any internet-enabled device. This guide helps first-time users with setting up their Cricket Statz database.

Step 1 - Logging In
Log in to Cricket Statz administration at Your username is your email address and your password would have arrived in an email. If you have lost your password then click on ‘Lost Password’ to reset your password.

Step 2 - Setting Up
You need to set up your database before you start entering players and matches.  Click on ‘Setup’ in the drop-down menu after logging in.

Start entering all:

  • Divisions (grades/competitions) in your league

  • Clubs in your league

  • Venues (grounds) in your league

  • Officials (umpires and scorers)

Select Web Items in the setup menu and configure your season format, player name format and more. 

Step 3 - Entering Players
Next, click on the ‘Players’ button and click 'Add' to begin to enter players for your league.  

A bulk player 'import' option is available from the ‘Players’ screen if you have your player lists in a spreadsheet. This bulk player import allows you to import a list of players for a specific club. Copy a comma separated list of players from your records and paste it into the import page. It is important to have the date of birth in a format of “d mmm yyyy” for the import to function correctly. For example: 11 Feb 1983

If you plan to import matches from a national service such as Play Cricket or CricHQ, then you don't need to manually add all players but you can use the "Add New/Quick Add" option during the import process to add them with a single click. See the Importing Matches guide for more info.

Step 4 - Establishing Teams and Team Lists
Next, click on the ‘Teams’ button and Add New Team to establish a new team. Note that a club will have one or more teams.  If a club is named 'Easts' then set up all the teams for Easts, for example, Easts 1sts, Easts 2nds, Easts 3rds. 

Optional: Once you have created a team, you will be able to click ‘List’ next to the team name to set up the players for that team. Team lists provide the pre-set batting order for players when entering new matches to facilitate faster (manual) scorecard entry. The available player list for the team will show active players only. You can set a player as active in their player profile via the Edit icon on the players (list) page. Establishing the team list can be left for users of the corresponding clubs to complete. The team list section also allows team managers to automatically send out match availability emails and view player availability in real time.

Step 5 - Entering Match Fixtures
Once you have entered your teams, you can begin entering match fixtures via the Add option on the Matches page. Matches should be entered for the full season in advance so that they display on the match draw report. Click the 'Matches' button and 'Add' to add a new match.

You can also bulk import match fixtures from a spreadsheet via the 'Import' option at the top of the Matches page.

Congratulations! You have now established your database in Cricket Statz. What next?

Add Other Users
You can add other users to assist with administration and results entry. This can be done by clicking the "Setup" link and then selecting Users and then select League/Division/Club/Team next to the "Add a New User" at the top.

There are several types of users:

  • League User - one that can access any match, team or player in the league.

  • Division User - one that is restricted to teams and matches for the nominated division.

  • Club User - one that has access to teams and matches for their club only. Club users can only enter results for their club.

  • Team User - one that has access to teams and matches for their team only. Team users can only enter results for their team.

Users can be granted access levels from (1-8) based on what you want them to be able to access. The various access levels are explained on the page when you create a user. Once created, the system will automatically send their password via an invitation email to the new user.

Entering Match Results
Match results are entered by first clicking the trophy icon next to a specific match listed on the Matches screen. This will bring you to the match result screen for that match.

Any user with access level of 2 or higher can enter match results in Cricket Statz.  Once results have been entered, a user of access level 7 or higher is required to approve the match results. Match results are approved by checking the "approved/locked" radio button on the match details main screen. Once approved, match results become available in reports, ladders and statistics. Important - if a match is not approved then it won't contribute to the stats reports until it is approved.

A tip for those recording stats for a single club only - you don't need to enter opposition player names in the opposition bowling and batting fields.  These can be safely left blank.  You will only need to enter a club and team name for the opposition teams.

See our How to Enter A Scorecard guide for more information.

Reports and Statistics 
Click on ‘Reports’ to view the various reports available. Reports include a Match Draw, Competition Points ladder, Match Results, Result Summary by Round, and various statistics reports. Report links can be emailed by clicking ‘Email’ at the top of the generated report. Reports can also be printed by clicking ‘Print’.

Your Stats Web Site
Cricket Statz provides a complimentary stats web site for subscribing leagues and clubs. You can get the link to your Cricket Statz web site from the "Public Web Site" option in the Setup drop-down menu. You can set up news items, sponsors, photos, logos, rules and other information for your web site via on “Web Items” and “Web Files”. If you don't want to display your database to the public then you can also switch this off via the "Web Items" page.

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