Guide to Live Scoring
Cricket Statz online features a ball-by-ball scoring function that allows cricket matches to be scored at the ground from any internet-enabled mobile device with results and commentary published in real time for others to view. It works with laptops, tablets/ipads, iphones, android devices and more. No app is required.
This guide explains how to use the live scoring feature and assumes you have already set up your match fixtures.
Step 1 - Log in
Log in to the admin panel using your username and password. If you don't have an account then you can sign up for a free trial.
Step 2 - Navigate to the innings scorecard
Navigate to the match that you wish to score by clicking on "Results" next to the match from the Matches list. Select the specific innings you wish to score by selecting the batting team for the innings from the drop down and then hitting the Edit button.
Step 3 - Enter Ball by Ball mode
Once you are on the innings scorecard page hit the "Ball by Ball" button to go in to the live scoring module.
Step 4 - Creating a new over
Create a new over by selecting the bowler and then hit "Commence New Over". This will bring you to the Overs page where you can score each ball of the over.
Step 5 - Scoring a ball
To score a ball, first ensure the correct bowler and batter are shown in the New Ball section. The batter name only needs to be entered when they first come to the crease and the bowler name will be pre-populated.
If you want to add some commentary on the ball then enter it in the comment box before selecting the outcome. Note that any commentary added will show up in the commentary for that match. You can embed tweets, pictures and video clips by pasting embed code into the comment box. See an example live commentary output page.
Once you have your batter, bowler and commentary entered, hit one of the red buttons below the comment box to indicate the outcome of the delivery and finalise the delivery. You have several options for the outcome:
Runs off the bat are entered by clicking the run value button in the "Runs off the bat" section
Extras are scored by selecting the relevant extra category and then hitting the + button next to it. If runs off the bat are also scored then you can select these via the drop-down for that particular extra type before hitting +.
Wickets are entered via the Wicket section and requires the batter name, the howout, the fielder (where appropriate) and any extra runs scored. The batter name is required since it is possible that the non-striker is dismissed.
Retirements (Retired Not/Out and Out Retired) and Out Timed-out dismissals are the final choice
It is important to note that hitting any of the buttons below the New Ball section will finalise the ball so be sure to have the batter, bowler and comment entered before doing so.
After entering a ball, you can select where the shot was played by clicking the green wagon wheel icon to the right of the score in the table at the top of the screen. Entering this information is optional.
If you make a mistake in entering the ball, you can edit the ball by hitting the edit button on the right side of the table. You can also delete the last delivery by hitting the X on the left side.
Repeat this step 5 for subsequent balls until the over is complete.
Step 6 - Over completed and publishing to the scorecard
Hit the "Back" button at the top of the screen to return to the main screen when the over is complete. Go back to Step 4 to create your next over.
Any overs that don't have six balls bowled will be highlighted for your attention.
At any time you can publish the results to the scorecard. If you do this each over then it will update the scorecard live for anyone viewing the match.
Step 7 - match completed
When the match is completed then publish the final scorecard results and hit 'return to scorecard' to exit the scoring.
Anyone can view the scoring live by going to the match scorecard and clicking the commentary link
Ensure you have a backup scoring mechanism, such as a paper system, in case your internet is unavailable
There is no "app" to download and keep up-to-date - it is all done via the magic of a web browser and will work on any internet-connected device
Electronic Scoreboards
Cricket Statz supports web-based electronic scoreboards - any high resolution scoreboard/TV that will show a web page. Custom LED scoreboards are not supported.
Point the scoreboard device to the scoreboard link that is available from the match report page and the live scores will update every 15 seconds.