Hi Mark,
I was just wondering how you decide which new reports make it onto the public web site and which ones are only available in the Admin section?
I know that the new ‘winning/losing streak‘ report would be interesting for my club members as would the new ‘highest % of innings total’ so thought I’d ask the question.
Great question Matt.
As you can imagine, we don't need everything on the public site - it will clutter the site and make it difficult for the public to find the report they really want.
So I have two criteria for whether it should appear on the public site:
It should be something that most players, coaches or team managers might want to see (a popular report)
It shouldn't be a high-load/high-data report (such as the complete player summary)
So if you think it meets the criteria then do as you have done - post up a suggestion in the suggestion area to recommend a certain report be made public. (You should also do this for the reports you mention above - just be sure to do one per post)
Note that anyone that is a stats "power user" should be given level 1 access so they can go into the admin panel and run any report.
Thanks for the quick response as always Mark. Your comments make perfect sense.
The trouble I have is that none of my club members are interested in logging into the admin site and running their own reports, which I have offered them the option to do in the past. They merely want to open up the public stats page and view what’s on there.
I’ll add suggestions for the two new reports to be added to the public web site anyway and see how much support it gets.
One other suggestion that I didn't mention.
You could consider creating a stats page on your club website where you create your own list of reports that you want your members to see and link them all to the runreport2.aspx pages.
For example, create a "Longest Winning Streak report" button/link and link it to https://www2.cricketstatz.com/ss/runreport2.aspx?club=19695&mode=111
You could even wrap it in an iframe so users won't even leave your club pages. More info at https://www.cricketstatz.com/adding-reports-to-your-web-site
That way you can be the master of what is shown to your members.
That’s a good suggestion Mark as I do operate a separate club web site (http://blagdoncricketclub.com). I think I’ll give that a go and see what I can do. Thanks