I was thinking - you could just use the batpos filter on the Top Run Aggregates report if it is just a specific batting position you would like to see listed.
@Mark That works. I guess I was after a report of all batting positions without having to run the report at each position. For a quick glance (me being lazy I guess).
@Mark Ulcigrai
I was thinking - you could just use the batpos filter on the Top Run Aggregates report if it is just a specific batting position you would like to see listed.
For example: https://www2.cricketstatz.com/ss/runreport2.aspx?club=4530&mode=4&batpos=3
This example report is limited to batting position 3.
You can set the batpos by running the report via the admin panel.
Does that work for you or do you want to see all batting positions listed on the one report?
@Mark Ulcigrai thoughts?
@Mark That works. I guess I was after a report of all batting positions without having to run the report at each position. For a quick glance (me being lazy I guess).
Let's see how many votes it gets