Is there a way of setting report defaults in the admin area?
The majority of my reports are generated for a particular club and divisions and I would like to set these as defaults in the admin area for each report type (Batting, Bowling, etc) rather having to select them each time I run a report.
I have moved this over to the suggestion area to see what others think of this idea
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I have gone and implemented a session "memory" function for club and division selection in the reports section. It will remember your selection while you stay logged in. While it is not quite a "default" report setting - it will go a long way towards it.
I would like to suggest that if you only run reports for one club then you have a couple of other more-permanent options.
You could create a club user for that club and switch over to it and run everything from there. This would default to only showing report options for that club.
You could ask to have your whole database converted over to a single-club mode database. Email if this is something you would like to do.