@Pip you wrote:
"Re top batters and bowlers on public website - I am a true believer that all achievers need the recognition as deserved but is it possible for admins to choose what is displayed? Also, if not then use the average rather than AvgSR"
There are two different issues wrapped up here.
One is whether admin's can choose which reports are shown. The answer is not on day 1 (which is today) but if it is something you would like to see then please use the Suggestion section of the forum and post it up as a suggestion. If enough people vote for it then it will get implemented.
The other issue is whether the batting rankings report is good or not (in your opinion). Noting that it appears in the Players menu at the top of the screen and it has been around for more than a year now if I am not mistaken.
I will explain the logic of the batting ranking report - it combines a couple of things in one measure. It is the batting average multiplied by the strike rate. This is a combination of how good the batter is at scoring runs AND also how fast they are at scoring runs. In the modern game, both are very import important. There is no point in having a very high batting average if you only score 10 runs per 100 deliveries faced. If you only ranked players solely on batting averages then you would get players high in the ranks that are slow at scoring their runs. This is why they are both combined for this report.
There is a similar argument for bowlers.
(and as an aside, I think the ICC uses a similar approach to produce their batting rankings - but don't quote me on it)
I suspect that it is the underlying filters that may actually be causing you the issues - there is a minimum runs and innings - and perhaps these are set too low for you. There is also a match date range being applied (the past 9 month window) - and maybe this is too short or too long. All of these are fairly easy to adjust.
Can you give me an example of a player that is in your top 5 list that you don't think should be there (or an example of a player that is missing from your list that you think SHOULD be there)? We can then pick it apart a little more.