Hi Mark Are all scorecards that are published by scoring apps automatically given the "Approved" status in CricketStatz? (I seem to remember that TCS cards did that in the past, so I presume it is the case across all matches being published) If that is the case, how to people manage when looking to check data? I would have thought it would have been easier to keep it as "Pending", but I have a feeling that CricketStatz doesn't do that for a reason!
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Hi Paul,
The API follows the same process as the v11 publish function - in that matches published are automatically approved. This was done on purpose to save the hassle of having to go, match by match, and approve them manually.
This is also why we ask that the users be given access level 7 as a minimum.
If this is something that you want to see some change too then post it up in the suggestions section and we will look into it. Maybe having the ability for the API poster to select whether the match is approved or not is probably the easiest place to start (and that way you can have your developers choose how it will operate).
Good news - we made a couple of quick changes that should get you what you want.
1. We have allowed Access Level 6 to use the API - and with access level 6 comes the ability to add match fixtures but NOT approve matches
2. We have added a new field in the API as to whether to approve matches or not for level 7+ API users:
"ApproveMatch": "1",
So you now have two options - you can grant your API user level 6 and prevent them from approving posted matches or leave them at level 7 and ask them to set ApproveMatch to "0" when posting new matches.
That’s brilliant service Mark! I hadn’t even finished thinking about whether to post a request for a change!
Will probably go down the level 6 route for now as easier, but both seem like great options.
Thanks again!