In the previous version, It was far more detailed and could narrow down filters, in the new system, it just shows below and I cannot filter to club, captain only, minimum matches, year etc.
Am I missing something or this is just how it is going forward?
The filters should appear just like this once you select a report:
If the filters don't appear then it may be that you have Javascript disabled/blocked. I have (just now) put an error message in to warn you if this is the case. [Javascript is also used for the scorecard consistency checks so it really needs to be enabled]
Let me know how you go.
Can you try selecting a specifc report first? The filters should then appear. Let me know how you go.
@dundalk how did you go with this?
I've been out of country so only have work laptop where it doesn't show additional option. Same issue on phone (Samsung S23). I will try on my personal PC at home over the weekend
@dundalk Thanks for getting back to me. I want to solve this problem with you.
It shouldn't matter if you are out of the company and on a work laptop. It should work regardless.
Do you mind going to the reports page on your work laptop, clicking the Recent Results report in the report selection list and then take a screenshot of the page? Post it up here - it will give me more to go on.
One other thing to ask - do you have multiple browser types on your laptop? If yes, could you also try it via a different browser (such as Edge or Chrome) and see if it is any different?
No response. Closing.
If anyone else is experiencing a similar problem then post up