I have an issue when importing from play-cricket where 2 players in the same match have the exact same name. I saw on the forum some solutions/workarounds for My Cricket but not sure those would work for Play-cricket without affecting some of the options.
The scorecard is https://upminster.play-cricket.com/website/results/5236615 and there is a Billy Wright on both sides.
Any suggestions welcome
Thanks Kevin
Yes, the following are options (where the two players are from the same club):
Get one of the player's first name changed (add a middle name or initial for example) in Play Cricket so that their displayed name is unique (the best solution) or
Manually edit the scorecard after the import to switch the player over to the correct record noting you have to do this for batting, fielding, FOW, bowling, captains and keepers for that individual or
Temporarily change the "current club" or "alias" for the player you don't want matched to something else before doing the import - this will result in the remaining player being chosen
Actually, this should import fine as it is - they are different clubs and you can have duplicate names across different clubs. It is only a problem where the same name is within the same club and it is two different players.
@Kevin Roome Are you saying that you tried it and that it is not splitting the players?
And I am now a bit confused. I checked the scorecard you linked and I can only see one Billy Wright and he plays for Buckhurst Hill. I can't see a Billy Wright on the Upminster side. What am I missing?
Give me the full details of the problems you are facing with importing this match and we will get to the bottom of it.
@Kevin Roome
Hi Mark,
yes apologies this is one of the games where 'our' Billy Wright didn't play! When running the import I got the error message on import but the other issue was I was tried adding a new Billy Wright but was using the standard date of Birth 01/01/1700 which is when
Error: Record already exists
would appear, adding a new record with a different Date of Birth has worked and there are the 2 Billy Wrights on the database now. I will keep that in mind if we get any others with the same name on the database.